WEBVTT 00:10.500 --> 00:12.829 Hello and welcome to the quarter deck 00:12.840 --> 00:15.180 of the United States Navy . I'm 00:15.189 --> 00:17.420 Commander Irvin Henley , commanding 00:17.430 --> 00:19.840 officer , surface warfare engineering 00:19.850 --> 00:21.860 schools Command Swiss has the 00:21.870 --> 00:23.719 responsibility of training all 00:23.729 --> 00:26.959 engineering quartermaster and ate as 00:26.969 --> 00:29.250 access level sailors to include 00:29.260 --> 00:31.450 engineering and seamen , professional 00:31.459 --> 00:32.459 apprentice , 01:03.299 --> 01:05.021 all Swiss sailors attend basic 01:05.021 --> 01:07.188 engineering , common core and go on to 01:07.188 --> 01:09.239 complete specific rate training or 01:09.250 --> 01:11.028 report directly to the fleet as 01:11.028 --> 01:12.861 undesignated seamen or firemen . 01:38.059 --> 01:40.170 Sailor's report directly from recruit 01:40.170 --> 01:42.281 training . Command are on boarded and 01:42.281 --> 01:44.059 scheduled to complete level one 01:44.059 --> 01:45.948 firefight , providing fleet level 01:45.948 --> 01:47.948 certifications ready to support all 01:47.948 --> 01:49.726 shipboard firefighting effort . 02:09.979 --> 02:12.279 Along with the technical training , we 02:12.289 --> 02:14.990 have embedded war toughness into all 02:15.000 --> 02:17.056 levels of the curriculum building on 02:17.056 --> 02:20.270 the mind , body and soul of each sailor . 02:36.679 --> 02:38.660 The Swiss staff has 24 hour 02:38.669 --> 02:41.050 responsibility for the mentorship and 02:41.059 --> 02:43.226 leadership of every sailor . Providing 02:43.226 --> 02:45.003 technically sound engineering , 02:45.003 --> 02:46.948 quartermaster and bol made sailors 02:46.948 --> 02:48.781 enhancing the surface navy's war 02:48.781 --> 02:50.570 fighting capabilities around the world .