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Expand List item 392Collapse List item 392  Supply Corps Officer Basic Qualification Course (BQC) and Division Officer Leadership Course (DIVOLC)

The Basic Qualification Course is an in-depth study of the Supply System encompassing the following major areas of an afloat supply department: supply management food service, retail operations, disbursing management, leadership and management and personnel administration. Students will, through the use of practical exercises, practice sets, and exams, demonstrate the ability to complete and post all forms and files in each functional area. Additionally, students will demonstrate the ability to audit and correct problem areas posed in exercise situations. Also included in the course is a brief introduction to automated data processing systems such as Relational Supply (R-Supply) and Organizational Maintenance Management System – Next Generation (OMMS-NG).

The objective of the 20-week BQC is to prepare newly commissioned Supply Corps officers and other officers who may be ordered for this instruction in their professional duties. This course provides detailed, job-related technical instruction while encouraging the formation and use of desirable attitudes and characteristics.

While at the Navy Supply Corps School (NSCS), all BQC students are required to complete the week-long Division Officer Leadership Course course. This five-day course is designed to facilitate and indoctrinate all junior officers who will be relieving afloat in a Division Officer capacity, and provide the skill set necessary to be effective first-time leaders in an operational environment. The curriculum is scenario driven, taking the student from their first day of reporting on board all the way through their first nine months. Through interactive videos, role-playing and group based discussions, students will be exposed to various leadership dilemmas and will engage in discussions on potential courses of action. Leadership principles addressed will be competition and collaboration in an enlisted work center, building working relationships with the Chain of Command, time management, and functional administration.
Expand List item 393Collapse List item 393  Basic Qualification Course – Navy Reserves (BQC-NR)

The Basic Qualification Course - Navy Reserve (BQC-NR) is a comprehensive course of instruction which provides reserve Direct Commissioning Program Commissioning Officers (DCO) and NAVET redesignations with the fundamental, technical and managerial knowledge necessary to function effectively as Supply Corps officers within the Navy Reserve. The BQC-NR is a combination of on-site training and self-paced correspondence work spanning 15 months. Classes commence three times annually and attendance at all on-site training periods are mandatory in order to graduate.

The BQC-NR curriculum encompasses Supply Management (SM), Food Service (FS), Disbursing Management (DM), Retail Operations (RO), and Leadership and Management (LM). Completion of all elements of the BQC-NR is mandatory and all students must achieve a minimum passing score of 80% for each functional area and an overall course average of 80%.
Expand List item 394Collapse List item 394  Intermediate Leadership Course (ILC)

This five-day course is designed to facilitate and indoctrinate all Supply Officers that will be relieving afloat, in a Department Head capacity, the skill sets necessary to be effective principle assistants and liaisons in their Chain of Command for their Commanding Officer. The curriculum encompasses ten modules that will drastically shift the mindsets of the student from being a functional and effective Division Officer to the proactive and global thinking structure of a high-output Department Head. Through role plays, group-based discussions, teach backs, and brainstorming, the student will be afforded the opportunities to discuss with the class the trials and tribulations that they have experienced in their careers. Specific leadership principles that are addressed are competition and collaboration amongst peers and superiors, management of expectations, non-reactive leadership, command climate influences, project and systems management, and growing / developing junior Divisions Officers for the future.
Expand List item 395Collapse List item 395  Transportation of Hazardous Materials (TRANS HAZ MAT)

Provides formal training prerequisite for command approved qualification to certify hazardous materials for shipment via all modes of transportation. The course includes a comprehensive overview of the transportation of hazardous materials by motor, rail and water and an intensive review of the requirements for movement of hazardous materials by commercial/military air. Included are the roles and missions of the Department of Transportation (DOT), Defense Transportation System (DTS), and commercial carriers, national, state and local regulations storage (incident to transportation) handling, packaging, marking, labeling and placarding of hazardous materials and various hazardous materials warning systems. Students will be trained in the use of the applicable Codes of Federal Regulations (CFR), Air Force Interservice Manual 24-204 (NAVSUP P-505/MCO 4030.19F), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) / International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulation (DGR), and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Dangerous Goods Code (IMDGC) requirements for documentation, forms, labels, marking, placarding and inspections. Qualification credit for the course is dependent upon successful completion of each of three module examinations covering all regulatory publication. Each examination must be passed to continue course enrollment. Qualification attained is effective for twenty-four months, after which additional certification or re-certification is required. This course is extremely technical and requires at least average reading ability. Personnel eligible: uniformed personnel of the armed forces, DOD civil service personnel, and (With appropriate NETC quota approval) eligible DOD civilian contractors. This course is designed only for those personnel who must "certify hazardous materials for shipment."

*International student point of contact is NETSAFA, tel. (850) 452-8162, DSN 459-8162
Expand List item 396Collapse List item 396  Transportation of Hazardous Materials Recertification (TRANS HAZ MAT RECERT)

The Transportation of Hazardous Materials Recertification Course provides requalification to certify hazardous materials for shipment. Students must have successfully completed the Transportation of Hazardous Materials Course, or the Army/Air Force equivalent course within the preceding two years prior to recertification. Included in this course is a comprehensive review of the transportation of hazardous materials by motor, rail and water, and the intensive review of the requirements for movement of hazardous materials by commercial/military air. Graduation credit is dependent upon successful completion of the final examination. Qualification attained is effective for two years, after which retraining is required. This course is extremely technical and requires at least average reading ability.

Instruction for transportation managers is provided in the federally mandated areas of: (1) safety, (2) familiarization and awareness, (3) function specific requirements, and (4) security. The course covers essential principles under Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 29 CFR and the Defense Transportation Regulations (DTR). The course provides essential training for managers who have oversight responsibilities for transportation of hazardous materials (HAZMAT), hazardous substances and hazardous wastes. This course is designed to prepare graduates to develop or evaluate local training resources and identify personnel requiring the varying levels of federally mandated biannual HAZMAT training. All HAZMAT employees are required by federal law to receive training every 24 months; therefore, trainers are encouraged to attend a course every two years to ensure currency with the regulations.
Expand List item 397Collapse List item 397  Transportation of Hazardous Materials Certification (TRANS HAZ MAT – MTT)

Transportation of Hazardous Material courses are provided at DoD locations worldwide by NSCS’s Mobile Training Team (MTT). Commands that expect to have a minimum of 15 students attend a course may request on-site training.

Course Scheduling: Transportation of Hazardous Materials courses usually are fully booked for the next three quarters. Submitting your request at least nine months in advance of the desired course date will significantly increase the probability that NSCS can support your request. Please indicate a primary date range for the desired training and three alternate dates on your request. NSCS will not respond to a request with “First available” indicated in the date(s) field. Requests should include the starting and ending dates for the course,. i.e. “13-24 May 2021” for the primary and any alternate dates. Dates with recognized federal holidays are non-training weeks, so please do not request training during a holiday week. Please use the comments block to indicate if requested dates are firm or flexible and provide any other information that will clarify your request.
Expand List item 398Collapse List item 398  Joint Aviation Supply and Maintenance Material Management (JASMMM)

The Joint Aviation Supply and Maintenance Material Management (JASMMM) class seeks to improve aircraft readiness through the teamwork of Maintenance and Supply Logisticians.

To develop technical, supervisory, and management skills in aviation support procedures to create a mutual awareness between maintenance and supply personnel for optimum weapon system support.

JASMMM is the Navy's sole source of aviation logistics training for Supply Officers.

Specific emphasis is placed on the synergy created through strong lines of communication built between Maintenance and Supply.

The following topics are covered but are not limited to:
  • Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE) initiatives
  • AVCAL processing allowancing
  • Inventory management
  • All levels of training
  • Advanced management / leadership techniques of NAMP fundamentals
  • All levels of Maintenance influencing Flight-Line Operations
Case studies coupled with practical exercises provide the students the ability to leverage tactical, operational, and strategic logistics elements to enhance support of Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE) initiatives.
*International student point of contact is NETSAFA, tel. (850) 452-8162, DSN 459-8162
Expand List item 399Collapse List item 399  Commanding Officers Joint Aviation Supply and Material Management (COJASMMM-MTT)

Commanding Officer's Joint Aviation Supply and Maintenance Material Management (COJASMMM) is part of the Aviation Commanding Officer Training (AVCOT) course taught at Naval Aviation Schools Command (NAVAVSCOLSOM) in Pensacola, Florida, and was developed to provide guidance and training to prospective commanding and executive officers (PCOs and PXOs). The purpose of the course is to develop awareness at the executive level of aviation supply and maintenance material management concepts, policies and procedures to improve aircraft readiness. Topics include: teamwork of the maintenance and supply personnel, NAMP management, Aviation Maintenance trends, problem areas, aviation funding, AVCAL allowancing, and local material support procedures.
Expand List item 400Collapse List item 400  Reserve Supply Management Advanced Refresher Training (RESMART)

To provide Navy Reserve Logistics Specialists (LS) training in afloat Supply Management procedures. RESMART topics are presented in a fast-paced environment and cover the latest information related to major LS occupational standards and are equivalent to the topics covered in Logistics Specialist “A” and “C” schools.

Students are required to show proficiency in both manual and automated supply processes. The information is presented in lecture/discussion format with extensive laboratory work and practical exercises to increase the student's performance skill levels. The primary text for the course is the NAVSUP P-485, which will be provided by the instructor. In addition, the student will be required to make a 20-minute presentation on a supply management topic assigned by the instructor. This allows the student an opportunity to research and present supply management information to a class. The goal of the presentation exercise is to build personal confidence and to increase the student's ability in presenting supply information and training to their respective reserve units.
Expand List item 401Collapse List item 401  Reserve Supply Management Advanced Refresher Training (RESMART-MTT)

To provide Navy Reserve Logistics Specialists (LS) training in afloat Supply Management procedures. RESMART topics are presented in a fast-paced environment and cover the latest information related to major LS occupational standards and are equivalent to the topics covered in Logistics Specialist “A” and “C” schools.

Students are required to show proficiency in both manual and automated supply processes. The information is presented in lecture/discussion format with extensive laboratory work and practical exercises to increase the student's performance skill levels. The primary text for the course is the NAVSUP P-485, which will be provided by the instructor. In addition, the student will be required to make a 20 minute presentation on a supply management topic assigned by the instructor. This allows the student an opportunity to research and present supply management information to a class. The goal of the presentation exercise is to build personal confidence and to increase the student's ability in presenting supply information and training to their respective reserve units.
Expand List item 402Collapse List item 402  Logistics Specialist Refresher Training (LS Refresher) (MTT)

Navy Reserve Logistics Specialist Refresher Training (LS Refresher) provides training in afloat Supply Management procedures. LS Refresher topics are presented in a fast-paced environment and cover the latest information related to major Logistics Specialist occupational standards and covers topics taught in Logistics Specialist class A and C schools.

This course is an intensive two-day supply refresher course designed for Reserve drill-weekend training, provided through a Mobile Training Team (MTT-on site). LS Refresher is a shortened version of the RESMART course and is designed for E4-E6 Reserve and Full Time Support Logistics Specialists. The first day will address supply management topics and the second day will address aviation topics as they relate to the afloat Logistics Specialist. The intent of the course is not to be a review for the LS advancement exam, but provide an overview to many supply-related topics the Logistics Specialist is expected to be familiar with in performing assigned job tasks.
Expand List item 403Collapse List item 403  Introduction to Expeditionary Logistics (IEL)

Expeditionary Logistics (IEL) provides an overview of the joint planning process, the joint and naval logistics chain of command and specific issues and concerns related to the deployment to and logistics support in an expeditionary environment. Discussions and lectures include Unified Commands, Naval Logistics, Joint Operational Planning, Advanced Base Logistics, Foreign Humanitarian Assistance, Host Nation Support and an overview of the Navy's Expeditionary commands.

This course is taught as a seminar with guest speakers as subject matter experts and is intended for Officers and Senior Enlisted (E-6 or above) from the active component, reserve component, other services, and foreign military. Introduction to Expeditionary Logistics (IEL) is both a two-week resident course in which student's use of seminar discussions assists in conducting a final group exercise involving a logistics scenario that will demonstrate a working knowledge of the lectures.
Expand List item 404Collapse List item 404  Supply Officer Department Head Course (SODHC)

The Supply Officer Department Head Course (SODHC) is a four-week course that prepares ensigns through lieutenant commanders to assume the duties of the Supply Officer on a ship or submarine. SODHC includes training in Supply Management, Food Service, Retail Operations, Disbursing Management and Postal Operations. In addition, training is provided for the following specific technical functions: Small Afloat Purchasing, user certification for the government commercial purchase card program, Configuration Management, Hazardous Materials Management (including certification as a Hazardous Materials Coordinator Afloat), Off-Ship Bill Pay and Husbanding Services Provider processes and Submarine-specific Supply Functions. Automated Information Systems training is also provided in R-Supply, OMMS-NG, FSM, CMP and FEDLOG. SODHC focuses on current fleet trends and technical developments. It also stresses developing effective and efficient managerial skills to meet the challenging "at sea" environment.
Expand List item 405Collapse List item 405  Senior Supply Officer Department Head (SR SODHC)

SODHC course is designed to prepare Senior Supply Corps Officers to return to sea as department heads. This course is eight days in length. Topics covered include Senior Officer Leadership, Ethics, Inventory and Financial Management using R-SUPPLY, Food Service, Retail Operations, Disbursing Management, Postal Operations and Hazardous Material Management, and Off-Ship Bill Pay and Husbanding Services Provider processes. Guest speakers for this course include briefers from throughout the fleet (active and reserve), including civilians.

Prior to reporting to Newport, Rhode Island, prospective SR SODHC students are encouraged to start a dialogue with the Supply Officer they will be relieving, as well as TYCOM. They should also begin to gather reports and information from their future command, including the most recent CO's Monthly Report and Annual Financial Management Plan. Gathering this information prior to starting class will allow students to review real world examples as they learn.

Expand List item 406Collapse List item 406  Advanced Management Program (AMP)

The Advanced Management Program (AMP) is designed to prepare experienced middle and upper-middle level managers for the leadership challenges of the future. It incorporates private sector corporate case studies and traditional learning to develop key competencies needed for higher levels of strategic leadership. AMP will help managers formulate and implement strategy, develop and manage networks of people, and incorporate experiences into a broadened policy-level perspective. Participants will take both the DiSC personal assessment and the Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment to better understand and utilize their own personal managerial strengths, as well as improve cohesion, communication and problem-solving in their workplaces. All students will be expected to participate in group discussions and team presentations covering a broad spectrum of topics and managerial skills. Participants will work in functional teams on a final course presentation to propose solutions to existing workplace problems. AMP qualifies for three semester hour graduate credits in management, as currently approved by the American Council on Education (ACE). AMP requires an 80 ECL score [this requirement only applies to non-US, non-native English-speaking officers funded for training from IMET or FMS programs].
Expand List item 407Collapse List item 407  International Officer Supply Course (IOSCO – Resident)


International Officers only, grade O-1 to O-4, waivers available for civilian students. The course is designed to familiarize students with the organizational structure of the United States Government, United States Navy, Navy Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), and the relationship to the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) process. IOSCO addresses the Logistics Supply Chain, defined as identifying, locating, ordering and tracking assets. Assists International Customers develop a process-oriented working knowledge of Department of Defense web-based logistics systems. Included in the course is material identification, catalog systems, FMS requisitioning procedures, all aspects of the Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) and other computer and web-based tools for customer support. Course also provides a detailed overview of Acquisition Logistics, Allowance Models, Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) and Inventory Control Point (ICP) operations, with a focus on weapons systems support to include study of math models for outfitting and determining allowances quantities. The course also discusses ship transfer and shipyard procedures, and specific allowance determination for the FMS customer.
Expand List item 408Collapse List item 408  International Logistics Executive Advanced Development (ILEAD)

Advanced Development (ILEAD) (7 weeks), Senior International Officers, grade O5 and above, waivers available. Course is taught once per year. This seven-week course is designed to give Senior International Officers a better understanding of current trends in logistics and supply chain management from the military perspective. The course includes the Advanced Management Program (AMP) as the first portion of the course. AMP is a two-week long executive leadership course designed for CDR’s and GS-13/14’s that deals with transformation, supply chain management, lean six-sigma, and many other management skills used both by industry and DoD. It is a post-MBA level course, taught by university professors from top-level business schools. The students will be embedded with equivalent U.S. personnel during this period, and work on group projects and make a group presentation for a panel of Flag Officers on the last day of AMP. Following the two weeks of AMP, site visits will be conducted to various Navy commands in the U.S. to give the students an on-site view of the various logistics initiatives and projects currently being worked on by Department of Defense, and U.S. Navy. The students will also participate in various events that will allow for a better understanding of American society and culture. All course travel is included in the MASL cost. Class requires an 80 ECL score.
Expand List item 409Collapse List item 409  International Officer Supply Course Travel (IOSCO-Travel)

IMS MUST BE ENROLLED IN P152011 Follow on visit to operating sites for additional seminars, briefings, and tours of logistics facilities to reinforce theory and practices learned in IOSCO Resident Coursework. Briefs and tours conducted by NAVSUP WSS, Fleet Logistics Center (FLC-Norfolk), DLA, and various supply and logistics organizations in the mid-Atlantic Area. The class will visit Naval Supply Systems Command, Weapon Systems Support - Foreign Directorate in Mechanicsburg and Philadelphia, PA to allow students to meet with subject matter experts in Navy FMS cases, Country Program Managers, Security Assistance Field Representatives, and receive briefs on current business practices of NAVSUP WSS-OF concerning FMS support. Included in the travel is a Field Studies Program visit to Washington, D.C. Students will return to Newport for graduation and departure.
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