NEWS | Dec. 14, 2022

IWTC Virginia Beach Sailor Prepares Next Generation of Intelligence Professionals for Fleet

By Lt. Jamie Miller

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Intelligence Specialist 1st Class Jeffrey Siler finds personal satisfaction in his job; preparing the next generation of intelligence professionals to enter the fleet.
Siler is serving in his second fleet tour as an Intelligence Specialist (IS) “A” School Instructor at Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Virginia Beach, where he strives to tailor his instruction style to adapt to the students he is instructing.
Siler said that it is challenging “trying to find a way to teach to every student's learning ability, so they can continue to improve their abilities throughout the course and on into the fleet,” but he finds great satisfaction in “being able to play a part in teaching and preparing young intel professionals for the fleet."
A native of Loveland, Colo., Siler joined the Navy in 2015 and departed for basic training at Recruit Training Command Great Lakes. After graduating, Siler attended Intelligence Specialist “A” School and Operational Intelligence “C” School, Virginia Beach, Va., completing his schooling in spring of 2016.
During his first tour, Siler embarked on the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) in Mayport, Fla. While onboard, he received numerous qualifications and also assisted in two humanitarian aid and disaster relief missions, one in Haiti following the damage from Hurricane Matthew in October of 2016, then in Key West, Fla., following Hurricane Irma in September of 2017. For his efforts, Siler received the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, a flag letter of commendation, and a Good Conduct Award.
Siler graduated from the Navy Instructor Training Course in Feb. 2020 and is currently serving as an IS “A” School Instructor. During this time, he has provided more than 3,400 hours of instruction to 572 active and reserve component new accession and fleet conversion Sailors.  As the Command Blood Drive Coordinator for IWTC Virginia Beach, he coordinated and led six Armed Services Blood Drives, totaling 147 donors, providing blood to both military and DOD personnel overseas. Siler currently resides in Virginia Beach, with his wife and two dogs.
IWTC Virginia Beach currently offers 69 courses of instruction in information technology, cryptology, and intelligence, with an instructor and support staff of over 280 military, civilian, and contract members who train more than 6,300 students every year at five training sites. It is one of four schoolhouses for the Center for Information Warfare Training and oversees learning sites at Fort Huachuca, Ariz.; Jacksonville and Mayport, Fla.; Kings Bay, Ga.; and Groton, Conn.