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Surface Combat Systems Training Command Highlights Warfighting Training at the Surface Navy Association’s 36th National Symposium
16 January 2024
From Kimberly M. Lansdale, Surface Combat Systems Training Command Public Affairs
Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC) educated the Surface Force, Cuttermen, and industry partners on how they are molding Sailors into combat systems warfighters who are prepared to fight, to win, and to return home safely during the Surface Navy Association’s (SNA) 36th National Symposium, Jan. 9 -11.
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images | 240111-N-N0443-3003
ARLINGTON, Va. (Jan. 11, 2024) Sailors from the Surface Combat Systems Training Command domain discuss Surface Training Advanced Virtual Environment-Combat Systems (STAVE-CS) training systems with Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans, and Strategy, N3N5, Vice Adm. Gene Black. STAVE-CS, the Director, Surface Warfare’s (OPNAV N96) program of record, was introduced in 2015 as a means to invest in training technologies, devices, and facilities to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and availability of all surface training. These training systems are providing the high-end tactical training needed to guarantee our warfighters are ready to execute the mission – whenever, and wherever called. (U.S. Navy photo by Surface Combat Systems Training Command)
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images | 240111-N-N0443-3007
ARLINGTON, Va. (Jan. 11, 2024) Sailors from the Surface Combat Systems Training Command domain discuss Surface Training Advanced Virtual Environment-Combat Systems (STAVE-CS) training systems with Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans, and Strategy, N3N5, Vice Adm. Gene Black. STAVE-CS, the Director, Surface Warfare’s (OPNAV N96) program of record, was introduced in 2015 as a means to invest in training technologies, devices, and facilities to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and availability of all surface training. These training systems are providing the high-end tactical training needed to guarantee our warfighters are ready to execute the mission – whenever, and wherever called. (U.S. Navy photo by Surface Combat Systems Training Command)
ARLINGTON, Va. – Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC) educated the Surface Force, Cuttermen, and industry partners on how they are molding Sailors into combat systems warfighters who are prepared to fight, to win, and to return home safely during the Surface Navy Association’s (SNA) 36th National Symposium, Jan. 9 -11.
SCSTC is part of the Naval Education and Training Command, led by Rear Adm. Jeffrey Czerewko. With over 6,500 staff and students across 12 global locations, SCSTC delivers training to over 37,000 U.S. Navy Sailors as well as 700 international Sailors from 27 partner nations annually. With surface community partners and force development counterparts, SCSTC provides system and platform specific combat systems training to a growing surface Navy.
In alignment with this year’s theme, “The Fight, The Force, The Future,” attendees were able to get a firsthand look at how SCSTC is adapting and implementing innovative ways to train our future warfighting force.
SCSTC’s team of subject matter experts, consisting of military and civilian instructors, provided demonstrations of Surface Training Advanced Virtual Environment – Combat Systems (STAVE-CS) training systems to include the Aegis Virtual Maintenance Trainer, Aegis Part Task Trainer, Multi-Mission Team Trainer Ship Self Defense System Sensor Supervisor, Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) Operator, and CIWS Visual Integrated Simulation and Training Application Maintenance. STAVE-CS, the Director, Surface Warfare’s (OPNAV N96) program of record, was introduced in 2015 as a means to invest in training technologies, devices, and facilities to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and availability of all surface training.
“A key component to our training approach is to immerse trainees in realistic real world training environments by emulating, simulating, or providing the physical elements of the equipment and operating conditions,” explained Capt. George A. Kessler, Jr., SCSTC’s commodore.
Both Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti and Commander, Naval Surface Force, Vice Adm. Brendan McLane, emphasized the importance of training in their remarks at the symposium. Unveiling her priorities in a paper titled “America’s Warfighting Navy,” Franchetti highlighted Warfighting, Warfighters, and the Foundation that supports them. Outlining his vision for the Surface Force, McLane discussed continuing the Competitive Edge strategy and achieving the North Star goal of 75 mission capable ships on any given day that are sufficiently manned, trained, and ready for the fight.
“As a global training organization, SCSTC plays an integral role in achieving both the CNO and SWO Boss’ objectives by training warfighters to employ, maintain, and repair their systems while defending our national interests and protecting the global commons – whenever and wherever called,” said Kessler. “We must ensure our warfighters possess the tactical and technical competence and proficiency needed to execute across the spectrum of operations in today’s challenging environment.”
Surface Navy Association (SNA) was incorporated in 1985 to promote greater coordination and communication among those in the military, business, and academic communities who share a common interest in Surface Warfare while supporting the activities of Surface Forces. SNA’s annual National Symposium brings together joint experts and decision-makers in the military, industry, and Congress to discuss how the Surface Force is a critical element of national defense and security.
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