02 November 2021 Former Team USA synchronized skating athlete earns commission at Officer Candidate School A former Team USA synchronized skating athlete and Connecticut native will soon graduate from Officer Candidate School (OCS) as a newly commissioned Naval Flight Officer, Nov. 12...
28 June 2021 OTCN Recognizes the 2020 Civilian of the Year Officer Training Command Newport (OTCN) announced Heather Yeles as the 2020 Civilian of the Year (COY) on June 14 at an all-hands ceremony from the Marine Detachment Auditorium on Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island...
28 June 2021 Naval Service Training Commander Meets with NROTC Midshipmen During Sea Trials Rear Adm. Jennifer Couture, Commander, Naval Service Training Command (NSTC) met with midshipmen aboard the Damage Control Wet Trainer, also known as the “USS Buttercup” wet trainer, during Sea Trials at Officer Training Command Newport (OTCN), June 24...
28 June 2021 NSTC Commander visits Officer Training Command Newport Rear Adm. Jennifer Couture, commander, Naval Service Training Command (NSTC), visited Officer Training Command Newport (OTCN) for the first time as NSTC Commander, June 23-25...
17 November 2020 Massapequa, New York Native Supports Navy Leader Development NEWPORT, R.I. - A 2011 Kellenberg Memorial High School graduate and Massapequa, New York native is currently serving with the U.S. Navy as a class officer and navigation curriculum manager at Officer Training Command Newport (OTCN)...
26 May 2020 Officer Training Command Uses Remote Learning to Train Leaders During Pandemic Officer Training Command Newport (OTCN) is using online training to develop future Navy leaders during the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic...
19 December 2019 Naval Service Training Command Names Officer Instructor of the Year Naval Service Training Command (NSTC) recently named Lt. Sarah E. Howe the 2019 Officer Instructor of the Year (IOY)...
14 January 2019 Officer Candidate School Graduations Now Being Live Streamed The graduations of the Navy's newest officers are now available live from Officer Training Command (OTC)...