04 August 2023 IWTC Instructor Creates Poster Commemorating USS Stark to Promote Warrior Toughness An instructor at Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station, recently created a poster to commemorate the attack on the USS Stark and stimulate conversations on resilience within the electronic warfare community.The framed poster is prominently displayed in one of the military...
28 June 2022 NETC Hosts Warrior Toughness Fleet Working Group Meeting WT is a holistic human performance skillset that enhances the toughness of Sailors with a focus on the pursuit of peak performance. The system emphasizes coequal development of toughness in the mind, body, and soul. In place at Recruit Training Command since October 2018, the WT curriculum is...
24 June 2022 IWTC Virginia Beach Employs Warrior Toughness to Support Mental Health Intelligence Specialist Chief Wade Bowman, assigned to Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Virginia Beach, has been a vital component of the command's Warrior Toughness (WT) program and has helped usher in a mindset focused on encouraging mental health awareness. Bowman and his team utilize...
24 February 2022 NETC Commander Visits Newport Training Commands Naval Education and Training Command's Rear Adm. Pete Garvin and Force Master Chief Matthew Harris spent a day in Newport, visiting training commands and discussing a wide range of topics including Ready Relevant Learning, Warrior Toughness, and the chief of naval operations’ call to action for...
16 November 2021 Warrior Toughness: Skills for Every Warfighter In late 2018, Warrior Toughness training was introduced to Recruit Training Command (RTC) staff, Recruit Division Commanders, and recruits. It has since developed toughness in Sailors throughout the Navy, enhancing their ability to focus and perform well under pressure...
30 June 2021 Navy Chaplains Critical to IWTC Monterey Mission Readiness, Warrior Toughness Navy Chaplains are a force multiplier for the health and readiness of any command, and onboard Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Monterey, they work confidently across the spectrum of faith by prioritizing the wellbeing of the Sailors and advising the leaders of counseling trends and...
28 June 2021 Naval Service Training Commander Meets with NROTC Midshipmen During Sea Trials Rear Adm. Jennifer Couture, Commander, Naval Service Training Command (NSTC) met with midshipmen aboard the Damage Control Wet Trainer, also known as the “USS Buttercup” wet trainer, during Sea Trials at Officer Training Command Newport (OTCN), June 24...
17 May 2021 VCNO Visits Fleet, Focuses on Sailor Manning, Readiness, Toughness Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) Adm. Bill Lescher spoke with Sailors and leadership at Navy Personnel and Navy Recruiting Commands in Millington, Tenn., and Navy Service Training and Recruit Training Commands in Great Lakes, Ill., 17 May...
13 May 2021 RTC Recruits, Staff Exhibit Resiliency During Training in Pandemic More than 50,000 recruits have trained at Recruit Training Command (RTC), the Navy’s only boot camp, since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic...
29 January 2021 Navy Chaplains Help Facilitate Warrior Toughness and Resiliency at IWTC Monterey The Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) domain is continuously pursuing and employing the latest support services and resources in support of its number one priority – its people and their families. The Navy Chaplain Corps is one such resource essential to ensuring the CIWT team is always...
14 January 2021 Fleet Manning is Now the Highest Since 2015 - CNP Tells Surface Navy Association Symposium Chief of Naval Personnel has re-dedicated the nearly 20,000 MyNavy HR personnel to the task of making sure the fleet has enough sailors to meet its missions, stating that his first strategic goal in 2021 is to "Build a Navy that Can Fight and Win." ...
20 December 2020 IWTC Corry Station Reinforces Sailor Warrior Toughness and Resiliency PENSACOLA, Fla.- Navy Chaplains Cmdr. John Ismach-Eastman and Lt. James Lanford are reinforcing warrior toughness and resiliency for new-accession Sailors attached to Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station through a new initiative hosted by the Corry Station Chapel onboard Naval...
21 February 2020 EDO School Introduces Warrior Toughness to Curriculum Engineering Duty Officer (EDO) School incorporated “life balance” and “mindfulness” to its Basic and Senior EDO Course curriculum to align the schoolhouse with Navy efforts to strengthen Warrior Toughness...