NETC Announces 2018 Training Excellence Award Winners

15 February 2019
Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) announced its 2018 Training Excellence Award (TEA) winners, Feb. 14.

Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) announced its 2018 Training Excellence Award (TEA) winners, Feb. 14.

The annual award recognizes activities that demonstrate superior performance in the naval education and training environment.

“The Training Excellence Award recipients epitomize the highest degree of training excellence found throughout NETC,” said Rear Adm. Kyle Cozad, NETC commander. “Their continued success in the delivery of training ensures highly-trained, top-quality Sailors are available to meet the needs of our fleet.”

NETC TEAs are composed of three categories – the NETC Training Excellence Award, the NETC Training Support Excellence Award and Functional Merit Awards -- and are based on the highest degree of training excellence achieved at the end of the competitive cycle.

Center for Information Warfare Training and Training Support Center Hampton Roads earned the NETC Training Excellence Award (White T) and the NETC Training Support Excellence Award (White TS), respectively. Both commands will receive a certificate for permanent retention and a burgee to be displayed throughout 2019.

Learning center recipients of the Functional Merit Awards are:

Business Administration and Support Award (Yellow T):

• Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, Pensacola, Florida

• Center for Information Warfare Training, Pensacola

Planning and Programming Award (Silver T):

• Center for Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Diving, Panama City, Florida

• Surface Warfare Officers School, Newport, Rhode Island

• Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, Pensacola

• Center for Security Forces, Virginia Beach, Virginia

• Center for Service Support, Newport

• Center for Information Warfare Training, Pensacola

• Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering, Port Hueneme, California

• Submarine Learning Center, Groton, Connecticut

Total Force Management Award (Red T):

• Center for Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Diving, Panama City

• Surface Warfare Officers School, Newport

• Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, Pensacola

• Center for Security Forces, Virginia Beach

• Center for Service Support, Newport

• Center for Information Warfare Training, Pensacola

• Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering, Port Hueneme

• Submarine Learning Center, Groton

Logistics Management Award (Blue T):

• Center for Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Diving, Panama City

• Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, Pensacola

• Center for Security Forces, Virginia Beach

• Center for Information Warfare Training, Pensacola

• Naval Chaplaincy School and Center, Newport

• Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering, Port Hueneme

• Submarine Learning Center, Groton

Information Technology Management Award (Gold T):

• Center for Information Warfare Training, Pensacola

Curriculum Management Award (Black T):

• Center for Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Diving, Panama City

• Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, Pensacola

• Center for Security Forces, Virginia Beach

• Center for Service Support, Newport

• Center for Information Warfare Training, Pensacola

• Naval Chaplaincy School and Center, Newport

• Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering, Port Hueneme

• Submarine Learning Center, Groton

Training Production Management Award (Green T):

• Center for Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Diving, Panama City

• Surface Warfare Officers School, Newport

• Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, Pensacola

• Center for Security Forces, Virginia Beach

• Center for Service Support, Newport

• Center for Information Warfare Training, Pensacola

• Naval Chaplaincy School and Center, Newport

• Center for Surface Combat Systems, Dahlgren, Virginia

• Submarine Learning Center, Groton

Training Support Management Award (Bronze T):

• Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, Pensacola

• Center for Service Support, Newport

• Center for Information Warfare Training, Pensacola

• Naval Chaplaincy School and Center, Newport

• Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering, Port Hueneme

Training support center recipients of the Functional Merit Awards are:

Business Administration and Support Award (Yellow TS):

• Training Support Center Great Lakes, Great Lakes, Illinois

Planning and Programming Award (Silver TS):

• Training Support Center Hampton Roads, Norfolk

• Training Support Center San Diego, San Diego

• Training Support Center Great Lakes, Great Lakes

Total Force Management Award (Red TS):

• Training Support Center Hampton Roads, Norfolk

• Training Support Center San Diego, San Diego

• Training Support Center Great Lakes, Great Lakes

Logistics Management Award (Blue TS):

• Training Support Center Hampton Roads, Norfolk

• Training Support Center San Diego, San Diego

• Training Support Center Great Lakes, Great Lakes

Training Support Management Award (Bronze TS):

• Training Support Center Hampton Roads, Norfolk

• Training Support Center San Diego, San Diego

• Training Support Center Great Lakes, Great Lakes

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