08 March 2021 TSC Great Lakes Sailors Selected for MAP Training Support Center (TSC) Great Lakes recognized the outstanding performance of its top-performing Sailors by advancing them to the next higher paygrade during a ceremony March 3...
08 March 2021 Training Support Center Names Top Sailors of the Quarter Training Support Center (TSC) Great Lakes announced Instructors and Sailors of the 1st Quarter...
11 February 2021 Training Support Center Great Lakes Awards 2020 Civilian of the Year Great Lakes, Ill. (February 10, 2021) — Training Support Center (TSC) Great Lakes recognized Junior Civilian of the Year (JCOY) during a ceremony February 10...
11 February 2021 Training Support Center Great Lakes Awards 2020 Civilian of the Year Training Support Center (TSC) Great Lakes recognized Junior Civilian of the Year (JCOY) during a ceremony February 10...