Player Embed Code: Download Embed Share The Warfighters' Foundation: From Seabed to Space Naval Education and Training Command March 15, 2024 | 1:05 Naval Education and Training Command supports development of a lethal and survivable fleet for conflict by recruiting the best future Sailors our nation has to offer and delivering a world-class education and fleet-informed training. (U.S. Navy video edited by MC1 Zachary Melvin)
Naval Education and Training Command supports development of a lethal and survivable Fleet for conflict by recruiting the best future Sailors our nation has to offer and delivering a world-class education and Fleet-informed training. We execute this mission across three pillars: Building Trust, Increasing Performance, and Closing Gaps. Method Our Force Development activities will be nested within CNO’s and CNP’s strategic guidance. We shall build and sustain trust by highlighting our accomplishments and ensuring our words and actions incentivize the mindset and behavior we expect from our teams. To increase performance, we will synchronize recruiting, education and training from the headquarters down to every recruiter and training site. We will close gaps by continually assessing our effectiveness while self-correcting to maximize production of a whole and proficient Sailor. Leadership Expectations Commanders, Commanding Officers, and Staffs shall ensure unity of effort across the Force Development enterprise. You will develop teams that are self-assessing, self-correcting and always learning to maximize the lethality and survivability of our Sailors – and each team will share insights, best practices and novel solutions across the NETC domain. All of NETC will collaborate across communities to solve problems and continuously improve to support our focus – the Fleet and the Fight.
We need: Direct Fleet and TYCOM engagement that: Supports Navy recruiting efforts by sharing our story Closes gaps in training to increase the performance of our force Increases the effectiveness of Force Development by: Executing the NETC Digital Engagement Strategy and leveraging mutual support to expand our reach Participating in Every Sailor a Recruiter (ESaR) Engaging Communities of Influence to reduce friction Desired Outcome → Increased propensity to choose Navy