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Naval Air Technical Training Center Det. Lakehurst
Hangar One
Lansdowne Rd (RT 557)
Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5001

DSN: 624

Officer in Charge
(732) 323-7573

Student Control
(732) 323-5077

Command Duty Officer
(732) 267-1124

(732) 323-2639
Please do not use this contact form to send controlled unclassified information (CUI) or personally identifiable information (PII).  Also, please note we are aware that users may be unable to submit due to reCAPTCHA not connecting. This can be due to your browser settings or version as well as a military network blocking it. The service desk recommends the most recent version of Chrome.  If you are unable to submit, recommend contacting the command via one of the other listed phone options.
PRIVACY ADVISORY: The email address or name you provide as part of the contact form are not maintained in any Privacy Act system of records. The information provided will only be used to respond to web inquiries and will be deleted after a response has been submitted.
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