22 April 2021 IWTC San Diego Graduates 13 Fleet Sailors from the Journeyman Communications Course Thirteen fleet Sailors graduated from the Journeyman Communications Course (JCC) offered by Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) San Diego, April. 22...
17 April 2021 IWTC Monterey Sailors Proudly Serve Community as Goodwill Ambassadors An exceptional group of student Sailors, attached to Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Monterey and attend foreign language training offered by the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC), have continued to find a way to give back to the communities they serve through...
14 April 2021 Entrepreneur and Film Producer Reinforces Resiliency, Helps Inspire IWTC Corry Station Sailors The chaplain team, assigned to Naval Air Station Pensacola Corry Station, Pensacola, Florida, has been creating new, alternative programs and events to help new-accession students better handle stress and support mental health...
05 April 2021 IWTC Monterey Detachment Goodfellow Revives School for Navy Cryptologic Language Analysts Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Monterey Detachment Goodfellow officially stood up its “A3” school for cryptologic technician (interpretive), or CTI, students, rejoining the consolidated Apprentice Cryptologic Language Analyst (ACLA) courses after 15 years of separate Navy-managed...
28 March 2021 Navy Readiness: IWTC Corry Station Increases Throughput of Navy CTMs As the need for more new-accession Sailors in the Cryptologic Technician (Maintenance), or CTM, rating increases, Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station, onboard Naval Air Station Pensacola Corry Station, Pensacola, Florida, recently made changes to meet these fleet demands...
26 March 2021 IWTC Corry Station Stand Down Addresses Extremism in the Ranks Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station observed a command-wide stand down addressing extremism in the ranks as ordered by Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Lloyd Austin and in compliance with Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Harker and Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday...
21 March 2021 IWTC Monterey Forges Navy Linguists to Fight and Win in Great Power Competition While Navy students attached to Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Monterey are still learning how to be great Sailors, they are attending one of the longest and most arduous “A” schools the Navy has to offer varying between 36 weeks and 64 weeks depending on language difficulty...
04 March 2021 American Council on Education Completes Review of Eight CIWT Courses The American Council on Education (ACE) completed its virtual review of eight courses of instruction offered by the Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) domain that directly support Navy information warfare enlisted Sailors and officers, March 4...
28 February 2021 IWTC San Diego Graduates 24 Basic Shipboard Intelligence Course Sailors SAN DIEGO – Twenty-four fleet Sailors graduated from the Basic Shipboard Intelligence Course (BSIC) offered by Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) San Diego, Feb. 26...
24 February 2021 IWTC Corry Station’s “Division in the Spotlight” Reinforces Navy Readiness PENSACOLA, Fla. -- Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station’s “Division in the Spotlight” (DITS) program is a force multiplier to encourage and ensure the highest level of Navy readiness...
18 February 2021 IWTC Virginia Beach Absorbs Student Management Functionality of TSC Hampton Roads VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – In October 2020, the decision to disestablish Training Support Center Hampton Roads (TSC HR) was made causing a realignment of duties and responsibilities to the training support activities within the region...
12 February 2021 Corry Station’s Grimaldi Community: A Music-fueled Safe Space Cmdr. John Ismach-Eastman, a chaplain assigned to Naval Air Station Pensacola Corry Station, Pensacola, Florida, has been creating alternative programs to help new-accession students better handle stress and support their mental health...
11 February 2021 IWTC San Diego Graduates Ships Signal Exploitation Equipment Increment Foxtrot Operator Course Eight fleet Sailors recently completed the Ships Signal Exploitation Equipment Increment Foxtrot (SSEE Inc F) Operator Course offered by Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) San Diego...
01 February 2021 IWTC Corry Station Pins New Chief Petty Officers Twenty-three Sailors from Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station donned their chief petty officer (CPO) anchors during two separate pinning ceremonies at the National Naval Aviation Museum onboard Naval Air Station Pensacola, Jan. 29...
01 February 2021 Chiefs of the Monterey Peninsula Welcome New CPOs to the Mess Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Monterey and Naval Postgraduate School pinned three new chief petty officers (CPO) at the Naval Postgraduate School, Jan. 29...
01 February 2021 Personnel Readiness: IWTC Virginia Beach Facilitates Discussion Panel with ONI and USNA Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Virginia Beach facilitated a discussion panel between Rear Adm. Kelly Aeschbach, commander, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) / director, National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office and U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) class of 2021 midshipmen who service...
01 February 2021 IWTC San Diego Employs New Technology to Train Warfighters Amidst safety concerns presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) San Diego recently facilitated training by incorporating remote instruction via the Cisco Webex video conference application...
29 January 2021 Navy Chaplains Help Facilitate Warrior Toughness and Resiliency at IWTC Monterey The Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) domain is continuously pursuing and employing the latest support services and resources in support of its number one priority – its people and their families. The Navy Chaplain Corps is one such resource essential to ensuring the CIWT team is always...
28 January 2021 IWTC Corry Station Modernizes AN/SLQ-32(V)6 Shipboard Operations Course Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station completed a major revision and modernization of its AN/SLQ-32 Shipboard Operations Course over the last two months...
22 January 2021 American Council on Education Completes Review of CIWT’s CTN and IT Courses The American Council on Education (ACE) completed its virtual review of four courses of instruction offered by the Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) that directly support cryptologic technician (networks) (CTN), information systems technician (IT) and the Joint Cyber Mission Force...
12 January 2021 Navy Readiness: CIWT’s LREC Team Provides Worldwide Language, Regional Expertise, and Cultural Training Resources It’s no secret effective communication, enabled through skill in foreign languages and understanding of foreign cultures and regional dynamics, is paramount to Navy readiness in order to fight and win during Great Power Competition...
11 January 2021 CIWT Modernizes Fleet IW Training with Innovative Technology The Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT), a Naval Education and Training Command learning center responsible for training and preparing over 22K information warfare (IW) professionals annually, enters 2021 focused on new opportunities to develop and employ the most effective and...
30 December 2020 IWTC Monterey Sailors Help Less Fortunate, Volunteer at Local Food Bank MONTEREY, Calif, – Sailors from Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Monterey donated approximately $250.00 worth of food and volunteered at Thomas Carmen Food Pantry in Marina, California, Dec. 29...
22 December 2020 IWTC San Diego Team Trainer Sharpens Spears of Naval Special Warfare IW Sailors SAN DIEGO – Fourteen Sailors completed the Naval Special Warfare Intelligence Team Trainer (NSWITT) at Information Warfare Training (IWTC) San Diego, Nov. 20...
20 December 2020 IWTC Corry Station Reinforces Sailor Warrior Toughness and Resiliency PENSACOLA, Fla.- Navy Chaplains Cmdr. John Ismach-Eastman and Lt. James Lanford are reinforcing warrior toughness and resiliency for new-accession Sailors attached to Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station through a new initiative hosted by the Corry Station Chapel onboard Naval...